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As the internal components of the tinySA where selected with a careful balance between performance and cost there are certain limitations that experienced users of much more expensive spectrum analyzers must be aware of:

  • The internal phase noise sets a clear lower limit for phase noise measurements.
  • The minimum resolution bandwidth of 200Hz makes it impossible to see more spectral detail
  • At lower resolution bandwidths (below 30kHz) the measurement time per point starts to increase due to the resolution filter implementation. Careful use of the FAST sweeping mode may reduce this time increase
  • The performance limitations of the shielding and the filters may lead to certain images and spurs being visible but certain functions like spur suppression and switching to below IF may help detect and/or reduce these spurs and images
  • Below 0.1MHz the sensitivity starts to reduce.
  • In ultra mode the measurement of wide band signals (above 600kHz wide) can fail. These wide signal may appear at wrong frequencies.
  • With LNA enabled the internal attenuator is disabled so stronger signals will easily overload the LNA.
  • When using the supplied telescopic antenna or a low RBW one should be aware of the radiation from the tinySA MCU on 48MHz and its harmonics. See the FAQ
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Page last modified on November 08, 2022, at 01:18 PM