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User interface:

  • Display resolution 320*240 pixels
  • Screen diagonal 2.8"
  • 16 bits per RGB pixels
  • Resistive touch control
  • Jog switch control
  • USB serial port control
  • Optional TTL USART port on the internal PCB
  • Linear power supply to avoid switching noise.

The input/output specification of the tinySA is split over the 4 modes

Low input mode spec:

  • Input frequency range from 100kHz to 350MHz (with some limitations down to 10kHz)
  • Input impedance 50 ohm when input attenuation set to 10dB or more.
  • Selectable manual and automatic input attenuation between 0dB and 31dB in 1 dB steps
  • Absolute maximum input level of +10dBm with 0dB internal attenuation
  • Absolute maximum short term peak input power of +20dBm with 30dB internal attenuation
  • Suggested maximum input power of +0dBm with internal attenuation in automatic mode
  • For best measurements keep input power below -25dBm
  • Input Intercept Point of third order modulation products (IIP3) of +15dBm with 0dB internal attenuation
  • 1dB compression point at -1dBm with 0dB internal attenuation
  • Power detector resolution of 0.5dB and linearity versus frequency of +/-2dB
  • Absolute power level accuracy after power level calibration of +/- 2dB
  • Lowest discernible signal at 30MHz using a resolution bandwidth of 30kHz of -102dBm
  • Frequency accuracy equal to the selected resolution bandwidth
  • Phase noise at 30MHz of -90dB/Hz at 100kHz offset and -120dB/Hz at 1MHz offset
  • Spur free dynamic range when using a 30kHz resolution bandwidth of 70dB
  • Manually selectable resolution filters with a width of 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 600kHz. Automatic selection of one of the 57 resolution filters.
  • On screen resolution of 51, 101, 145 or 290 measurement points.
  • Scanning speed of over 1000 points/second using largest resolution filters.
  • Automatic optimization of actual scanning points to ensure coverage of the whole scan range regardless of the chosen resolution bandwidth
  • Spur suppression option for assessing if certain signals are internally generated or actually present in the input signal
  • After a small HW modification it is possible to Listen to the demodulated audio (AM only)

High input mode spec:

  • Input frequency range from 240MHz to 960MHz
  • Input impedance is frequency dependent and deviates from 50 ohm
  • As there is no input band filter, strong input signals outside the 240MHz to 960MHz range can cause distortion of the in band signals
  • Absolute maximum input level without attenuation of +10dBm
  • Input Intercept Point of third order modulation products (IIP3) of -5dBm with no internal attenuation
  • 1dB compression point at -6dBm with no internal attenuation
  • Power detector resolution of 0.5dB and linearity versus frequency of +/-2dB
  • Absolute power level accuracy after power level calibration of +/- 2dB
  • Lowest discernible signal using a resolution bandwidth of 30kHz of -115dBm
  • Frequency accuracy equal to the selected resolution bandwidth
  • Spur free dynamic range when using a 30kHz resolution bandwidth of 50dB
  • Manually selectable resolution filters of 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 600kHz. Automatic selection of one of the 57 resolution filters.
  • Optional 25dB to 40dB frequency dependent input attenuator. The power level error with this attenuator activated increases to +/- 10dB
  • On screen resolution of 51, 101, 145 or 290 measurement points.
  • Scanning speed of over 1000 points/second using largest resolution filters.
  • Automatic optimization of actual scanning points to ensure coverage of the whole scan range regardless of the chosen resolution bandwidth
  • After a small HW modification it is possible to Listen to the demodulated audio

Low output mode spec:

  • Sine wave output with harmonics below -40dB of fundamental
  • Output frequency range from 100kHz to 350MHz
  • Level accuracy +/- 2dB over the whole output frequency range
  • Output frequency resolution either 156Hz below 47MHz output or 312Hz above 47MHz output
  • Output level selectable in 1dB steps between -76dBm and -6dBm
  • Optional AM, narrow FM and wide FM modulation with frequencies between 50Hz and 5kHz or slow sweep over selectable frequency span
  • Optional output level sweep over maximum the entire output level range

High output mode spec:

  • Square wave output
  • Output frequency range from 240MHz to 960MHz
  • Output frequency resolution either 156Hz below 480MHz output or 312Hz above 480MHz output
  • Output level selectable in variable increments between -38dBm and +9dBm
  • Optional narrow FM and wide FM modulation with frequencies between 50Hz and 6kHz or slow sweep over selectable frequency span

Reference generator spec:

  • Optional square wave output with fundamental at -26dBm connected to high input/output
  • Frequency can be set to 1MHz, 2MHz, 4MHz, 10MHz, 15MHz or 30MHz.

Battery spec:

  • Charging time max 1 hour on 500mA minimum USB port or USB charger
  • Operation on fully charged battery for at least 2 hours

HW versions and differences:

  • V0.3 First HW version
  • V0.3.1 Switched from sticker on back to laser printing
  • V0.3.1_E Added EMC protection diodes
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Page last modified on October 11, 2024, at 05:54 AM