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Scan Speed

The DSP RBW filter needs some time to charge. This time is dependent on the selected RBW. An internal table helps setting this time

  • SAMPLE DELAY is used during frequency changes and is normally on automatic but for experiments it is possible to force certain sample delay. Setting the sample delay to zero sets the sample delay back to automatic. The smaller the RBW the bigger the sample delay has to be, a too low sample delay will result in a lot of noise in the measurement. Once manually set the sample delay no longer adapts automatically to a change in RBW. Do not set this value unless you know what you are doing.
  • OFFSET DELAY us used during the fast mode offset tuning. The mechanisms are the same as for sample delay. Do not set this value unless you know what you are doing.
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Page last modified on July 22, 2020, at 04:58 PM