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tinySA Menu Tree

The menu tree reflects FW version 1.3507 or later

Spectrum Analyzer

  • PAUSE pauses the sweep
  • PRESET loads or saves configurations.
    • LOAD STARTUP reloads the startup presets.
    • LOAD X loads the settings from slot x, the text on the button depends on what is previously saved
    • STORE supports updating the stored presets
      • STORE AS STARTUP sets the current settings as the startup preset.
      • STORE X stores the current settings in slot X. The text on the button depends on what is previously saved
      • FACTORY DEFAULTS resets the startup preset to the factory defaults.
  • FREQUENCY sets everything related to the frequencies to scan.
    • START sets the scanning to start/stop mode and sets the start frequency
    • STOP sets the scanning to start/stop mode and sets the stop frequency
    • CENTER sets the scanning to center/span mode and sets the center frequency
    • SPAN sets the scanning to center/span mode and sets the frequency span
    • ZERO SPAN sets the scanning to center/span mode, sets the span to 0Hz and sets the center frequency
    • RBW sets the resolution bandwidth. Keep in mind a low RBW may increase scanning time substantially.
    • SHIFT FREQ is used in combination with up/down converters and allows entering the actual START or CENTER frequency before the up/down conversion.
  • LEVEL sets everything related to the level of the signals being measured.
    • REF LEVEL sets the level in selected unit of the top of the display.
    • SCALE/DIV sets the amount of units per division of the display.
    • ATTENUATE sets the amount of attenuation applied to the low input.
    • UNIT selects the display unit. dBm, dBmV, dBuV, Volt or Watt
    • EXT GAIN sets the level offset in dB caused by an external amplifier or attenuator.
    • TRIGGER selects the trigger mode
      • AUTO is the normal spectrum analyzer scanning mode, triggering is not active.
      • NORMAL will display a new scan as soon as a signal in the scan causes a trigger event.
      • SINGLE will wait for a signal to cause a trigger event and display the scan.
      • LEVEL activates a keypad for entering the trigger level.
      • EDGE toggle to select the trigger direction UP or DOWN
      • TRIGGER toggle to select the location of the trigger position on the screen as PRE, MID or POST
      • INTERVAL set the time grid used for starting a scan, set to zero to deactivate. Useful to see fixed interval repetitive events
    • LISTEN puts the tinySA in Listen mode at the frequency of the current active marker.
  • TRACE selects a trace and controls various aspects of how the trace is displayed.
    • TRACE n selects which trace to control
    • ENABLE dis/en-ables a trace display
    • FREEZE freezes the trace displayed
    • CALC state selects various calculation options over time such as averaging or max hold and display the current CALC state. Selecting again resets the calculation
      • OFF disables any calculation
      • MIN HOLD sets the display to hold the minimum value measured.
      • MAX HOLD sets the display to hold the maximum value measured.
      • MAX DECAY sets the display to hold the maximum value measured for a certain amount of scans.
      • AVER 4 sets the amount of running averaging to 4.
      • AVER 16 sets the amount of running averaging to 16.
      • QUASI PEAK sets the quasi peak hold mode
      • TABLE->TRACE supports the definition of a static trace
    • NORMALIZE will normalize the trace.
    • SUBTRACT selects a trace to subtract from the current trace
    • TRACE->TRACE copies the current trace data to another trace
  • DISPLAY controls various aspects of how the display.
    • PAUSE SWEEP pauses the scanning. When paused a 'TRIGGER button will appear for a single scan
    • WATERFALL displays the power level over time in a waterfall map. A second click enlarges the waterfall.
    • BIG NUMBER displays the current marker data in very big numbers.
    • DRAW LINE draws a horizontal blue line on the display at a specified level
    • SWEEP TIME sets the target time for a complete sweep in seconds.
    • SWEEP POINTS sets the number of sweep points.
    • SWEEP ACCURACY sets tradeoffs between sweep time and accuracy
      • NORMAL sets the default sweeping mode
      • PRECISE sets the precise scanning mode.
      • FAST sets the fast sweeping mode.
      • NOISE SOURCE optimizes the wide span scanning of noise sources.
      • NSPEEDUP sets the acceleration factor for narrow scans.
      • WSPEEDUP sets the acceleration factor for wide scans.
    • ROTATE DISPLAY rotates the display 180 degrees
  • MARKER controls the markers on the display.
    • MODIFY MARKER allows selecting a marker and shows a submenu to modify the MARKER TYPE.
      • MARKER n is used to select one of four markers
      • DELTA n sets the currently selected marker as delta marker.
      • NOISE sets the currently selected marker as noise marker.
      • TRACKING sets the currently selected marker as tracking marker.
      • TRACE n selects the trace on which to position the currently selected marker.
      • TRACE AVERAGE sets the currently selected marker to display the average level over the total trace.
      • SEARCH activates a sub menu for positioning the marker.
        • PEAK SEARCH positions the marker to the global maximum.
        • MIN<-LEFT searches the next minimum left of the marker
        • MIN->RIGHT searches the next minimum right of the marker
        • MAX<-LEFT searches the next maximum left of the marker
        • MAX->RIGHT searches the next maximum right of the marker
        • ENTER FREQUENCY enter the target frequency of the marker
        • TRACKING automatically positions the marker to the strongest signal.
      • DELETE deactivates the currently selected marker and moves the menu one level up.
    • MARKER OPS allows setting the frequency display range based on the active marker.
      • ->START sets the start of the scan to the frequency of the current marker.
      • ->STOP sets the stop of the scan to the frequency of the current marker.
      • ->CENTER sets the center of the scan to the frequency of the current marker.
      • ->SPAN sets the span of the scan to the frequency of the current marker.
      • ->REF LEVEL sets the REF LEVEL to the level of the current marker.
    • SEARCH MARKER allows positioning a non-tracking marker on signal maxima or minima. See description of SEARCH above
    • RESET MARKERS resets all markers to the default state
  • MEASURE helps to quickly set the tinySA for certain measurements.
    • OFF switches of any measurement related setting and behavior and returns the tinySA to regular operation
    • HARMONIC switches to a marker configuration for measuring the level of harmonics of a signal
    • OIP3 switches to a marker configuration for measuring the Output IP3 level of a signal
    • PHASE NOISE switches to a marker configuration for measuring phase noise of a signal
    • SNR switches to a marker configuration for SNR measurement
    • -3dB WIDTH switches to a marker configuration for -3dB width measurement.
    • AM sets various settings to optimize observations of an AM modulated signal
    • FM sets various settings to optimize observations of an FM modulated signal
    • THD enables the measurement of the THD defined as the percentage of energy in the harmonics versus the energy in the fundamental as visible in the scan.
    • CHANNEL POWER enables ACP and channel power measurement.
    • LINEAR steps the internal attenuator through all attenuation levels and draws a green line showing the measured maximum level for each attenuation setting.
  • CONFIG activates the configuration menu.
    • TOUCH activates the touch sub menu
      • TOUCH CAL enables the calibration of the touch panel. The results are stored in NVM.
      • TOUCH TEST is used to verify touch calibration.
    • SELF TEST is used after a cable is used to connect the low and high input/output.
    • LEVEL CAL is used to calibrate the power measurement levels.
      • CALIBRATE executes the level calibration.
      • RESET CALIBRATION resets the calibration to factory defaults.
    • VERSION shows the SW version information. Touch screen to return to menu.
    • SPUR REMOVAL activates the two spur removal mechanisms.
    • SAMPLE REP sets the number of repeat measurements at each frequency.
    • DFU switches the tinySA to firmware upgrade mode.
    • PULSE HIGH enables a trigger signal from the high input at the start of each low input sweep.
    • LO OUTPUT enables the output of the first LO through the high connector
    • MINIMUM GRID LINES sets the minimum grid lines to show, set to zero for always 10 grids
    • JOG STEP set the frequency step when using the jog switch
    • CLEAR CONFIG enter 1234 to reset the configuration to factory defaults.
    • CONNECTION activates a sub menu for selecting the connection to the tinySA
      • USB selects the USB interface for connection
      • SERIAL selects the internal serial interface for connection
      • SERIAL SPEED enables the selection of the speed of the serial interface
    • LEVEL CORRECTION activates the menu for correcting the input or output level
      • INPUT LEVEL allows calibration of the level reading by entering the known level of the signal under marker 1.
      • OUTPUT LEVEL allows entering of the actual level of the automatically activated 30MHz output
      • IN LOW CURVE allows entering of frequency dependent correction of the input level for the low range, see input curve edit
      • IN HIGH CURVE allows entering of frequency dependent correction of the input level for the high range, see input curve edit
      • OUT LOW CURVE allows entering of frequency dependent correction of the output level for the low range, see output curve edit
    • HAM BANDS enables the gray shading showing the location of the USA ham bands
    • EXPERT CONFIG activates the expert configuration menu
      • AGC enables/disables the build in Automatic Gain Control.
      • LNA enables/disables the build in Low Noise Amplifier.
      • BPF enables measurement of the performance of the internal Band Pass Filter.
      • BELOW IF switches the LO to below the IF when measuring below 190MHz.
      • IF FREQ allows entering the IF frequency used in low mode.
      • DECAY sets the decay speed of the quasi peak measurement
      • ATTACK sets the attack speed of the quasi peak measurement
      • SCAN SPEED allows setting the speed of scanning.
      • MIXER DRIVE sets the power output to the mixer.
      • CORRECT FREQUENCY allows to enter the actual measured frequency of the 10MHz CAL OUTPUT.

Signal Generator

  • OUTPUT ON|OFF switches the output ON or OFF
  • FREQ sets the output frequency. See explanation on frequency slider
  • LEVEL sets the output level. See explanation of level slider
  • MOD controls the modulation of the output
    • NONE disables the modulation
    • AM enables AM modulation
    • Narrow FM enables narrow FM modulation
    • Wide FM enables wide FM modulation
    • External enables the use of an external LO
    • FREQ sets the modulation frequency
  • SWEEP controls the sweep function
    • SPAN sets the span of the sweep
    • LEVEL CHANGE sets the level change over one sweep
    • SWEEP TIME sets the sweep time
    • SWEEP POINTS sets the number of points of the sweep as 25,50,100,200,290 or 450
  • EXTERNAL GAIN sets the external gain (positive) or attenuation(negative) applied so the displayed level is corrected for this.

Mode switching

  • MODE activates the mode switching menu.
    • LOW INPUT activates the 0.1-350MHz input mode
    • HIGH INPUT activates the 240MHz-960MHz input mode
    • LOW OUTPUT activates the 0.1-350MHz output mode
    • HIGH OUTPUT activates the 240MHz-960MHz output mode
    • CAL OUTPUT controls the build in calibration reference generator.
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Page last modified on January 23, 2025, at 06:19 PM